Custom Rotational Molding
Rotational Molding, A few years ago, there was literally hundreds- nearly a thousand even according to some. Yet thru economic set backs, lack of developments or for whatever a multitude of reasons, the Custom Rotational Molding industry shrank to even smaller numbers. Majority of the surviving major players all had golliath size proprietary product lines, which drove their companies goals and directions. A few custom rotomolding shops remained, however, for those who chose to survive, they had to grow, innovate and develop. They had to convert products to plastic from fiberglass to save company's thousands of dollars, man hours and tremendous paperwork. They had to design & innovate safety products like America's leading Storm Shelter. They had to have a vision- a vision that involved some aggressive risk tasking for some aggressive strong placement into some new markets and industries- like Air Cargo Containers. Ultimately, it created a tremendous opportunity for a great growth plan for a leading Rotational Molding Company. Read about one of the Worlds most recognized Rotational Molding Company's capabilities.
Conversions to Rotational Molding
As times evolve, so do processes and materials. When you haul leading luxury automobiles and sports cars, sometimes there is no room for errors or delays. Converting from a high cost and maintenance fiberglass cone to a polyethylene cone allowed the industry leading carrier to move more vehicles while have less incidents, less papework all leading to more happy customers.

"Having introduced the world's first all-polyethylene rear trailer cone as the replacement for cones that have historically been fiberglass, we are pleased to advise that the new PolyCone produced by Granger Plastics Company is performing well in the field: Better impact resistance, better scuff resistance and lower cost. When a PolyCone is dented in the field, we just push it back into its original shape and send our enclosed car hauling equipment back on the road. Damage to fiberglass has always required bodywork to repair. We are pleased with the results of our material conversion project with GPC."
-Jim Prang
Director of Maintenance
Precision Motor Transport Group
Okemos, MI
world class design Plastics Innovations
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From designing bunkers to protect American troops on domestic or international bases to underground single family tornado shelters, that have been installed in thousands of backyards across the heartland of the USA, Granger Industries has provided world class design and quality for any and all of their customers- making a difference in America, one job- one product at a time.